Components specific to BumHub
LogoBrand is the big logo used in the hero section
<LogoBrand />
LogoIcon is the little icon that lives in the navigation
<LogoIcon />
Dropdown is used in the main navigation and can be used to navigate to internal routes or external urls. The trigger render prop can compose any React component.
<Dropdowntrigger={<MenuButton aria-label="Menu" />}items={[{name: 'BumHub',to: '/',},{name: 'Bum Search',to: '/search',},{name: 'Bum Bum Maker',to: '/bum-bum-maker',},{name: '',url: '',},]}/>
<Starburst />
ThemeUIBum is used in the Bum UI section
<ThemeUIBum />
SearchBum is used in the Search section
<SearchBum />
LaptopBum is used in the Hero section on /bums/name-of-repo
<LaptopBum />
PantsUp Bum is displayed when a calendar day is in the future
<PantsUp />
PantsDown Bum is displayed when a calendar day is in the past or is the current day. For the current day a different
is required
<PantsDown /><PantsDown shadowColor="#df3022" />
Reef is displayed when a calendar day is the current day
<Reef />
Mistletoe is displayed when a calendar day is in the past
<Mistletoe />
Advent Card is of HTML <a />
and <div />
depending on states provided to determine it's active status
<AdventCard to="/" day={1} repoName="repo name 1" isToday={false} isDisabled={false} /><AdventCard to="/" day={2} repoName="repo name 2" isToday={true} isDisabled={false} /><AdventCard to="/" day={25} repoName="repo name 3" isToday={false} isDisabled={true} />
GitHubStat is used on the /bums/name-of-repo
page and is used to display GitHub data
<GitHubStat description="User" value="@PaulieScanlon" color="#e260d3" icon="accountCircle" /><GitHubStat description="Language" value="JavaScript" color="#00cfff" icon="code" />
EcoStat is used in the EcoBum section
<EcoStat statistic=".28g" /><EcoStat statistic="5.2kb" />
FartBum is used in the EcoBum section
<FartBum />
The Footer is displayed at the bottom of the site
<Footer />
BumToneTester is WIP and is being used to create different skin tones
<BumToneTester tone={0} /><BumToneTester tone={1} /><BumToneTester tone={2} /><BumToneTester tone={3} /><BumToneTester tone={4} /><BumToneTester tone={5} />
Themed versions of components from Theme UI
Heading is of HTML type <h(N) />
Use the variant prop to change the heading styles
<Heading as="h1" variant="styles.h1">Heading h1</Heading><Heading as="h2" variant="styles.h2">Heading h2</Heading><Heading as="h3" variant="styles.h3">Heading h3</Heading><Heading as="h4" variant="styles.h4">Heading h4</Heading><Heading as="h5" variant="styles.h5">Heading h5</Heading><Heading as="h6" variant="styles.h6">Heading h6</Heading>
Button is of HTML type <button />
Use the variant prop to change the button styles
<Button>primary</Button><Button variant='secondary'>secondary</Button><Button variant="accent">accent</Button>
Input is of HTML type <input type='text'/>
<Input placeholder="Bums" />
Select is of HTML type <select />
<Select><option>Option 1</option><option>Option 2</option><option>Option 3</option></Select>
Radio is of HTML type <input type='radio' />
<Radio id='radio2' name='radios' value='radio2' defaultChecked={true} /><Radio id='radio1' name='radios' value='radio1' />